Waterfox 56.2.13 64-bit variant of FirefoxUnique Features |
Unique Features
Features that make Waterfox stand out
No Telemetry
Waterfox does not collect ANY telemetry, meaning you don't have to worry about any tracking or usage information about what you do inside YOUR browser.
Limited Data Collection
The only thing that Waterfox sends back is your OS and browser version to check for updates.
Bootstrapped add-ons
Waterfox is one of the few fully customizable browsers, allowing you to modify and extend it any way you please. You'll even find some of your favourite classic XPCOM add-ons ported over such as DownThemAll!, Greasemonkey and the like.
Support for NPAPI Plugins
They should be used responsibly, but Waterfox still supports the use of Java and Silverlight plugins, as well as any other 64-Bit NPAPI plugins.
Source : https://www.waterfox.net/
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